I can see her in the kitchen,Apron on and sleeves rolled up,Measurin’ spices in a teaspoon,Figs and raisins in a cup. Now she’s throwin’ apple quartersIn that wooden bowl of hers,‘Long with lemon peel and orange,An’ she stirs, an’ stirs,…
Easy Tasty Smoked Salmon Bake
You can imagine yourself eating this easy, tasty smoked salmon bake with a salad and a crisp sauvignon blanc on a trellised balcony overlooking the water. Hauling it out with a flourish for your friends at a spring picnic under…
Honey and Garlic Salmon Bake
It’s Wednesday night. You need to throw something together quickly, otherwise you may just order pizza again. Well, you could just order pizza … … or you could open the pack of salmon in the fridge, make do whatever else…